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HMS & Inshore - Stock Characterisation & CPUE Analysis


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 21174568
Tender Name : HMS & Inshore - Stock Characterisation & CPUE Analysis
Reference # : C - HMS & Inshore - Batch 1 Restricted Tender
Open Date : Friday, 21 June 2019 9:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Thursday, 27 June 2019 2:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Registration of Interest (ROI)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 70000000 - Farming and Fishing and Forestry and Wildlife Contracting Services
  • New Zealand
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Erica Pope
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  :
Alternate Physical Fax Number  :
Agency Address :
Related Tenders:

This is a closed tender opportunity for the proposed Fisheries Research Services for 2019-20 for the HMS & Inshore Panel - Stock Characterisation & CPUE Analysis arrangement with MPI.

You are hereby invited to register your interest for the attached research opportunities under the Stock Characterisation & CPUE Analysis sub-panel of HMS & Inshore Panel. As defined within the HMS & Inshore Agreement, panel members are requested to respond within five business days advising whether you intend/ don’t intend to submit a proposal SoW.

Therefore, upon review of the attached projects, could you please complete the 'checklist' provided in the attachment and submit via GETS prior to the close date of 2pm, 27 June 2019.

Following this, if you have submitted a checklist by the closing date, MPI will invite you to the RFP (via GETS) specific to the projects, for you to submit your complete SoW prior to the close date of 2pm, 25 July 2019.

This listing also includes the SoW template so that you can start preparing your responses. Please ensure you use this version of the SoW provided as there have been updates since the last tender round.

Please note: the budget is yet to be approved. Though due to the indicative start date of these projects, we are commencing the procurement process. No contracts will be signed until the budget is approved.

The price band for the listing is the collective value of the projects.

RFx Outcome

This tender has been completed.

Further information:
This GETS tender was for ROI responses for multiple projects. Following which, each project was set up as their own GETS listing.

Date RFx was completed/updated: Friday, 28 June 2019 7:05 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)