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Emergency Communication Centres Transformation


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 23490699
Tender Name : Emergency Communication Centres Transformation
Reference # :
Open Date : Q1 2021
Indicative RFx Release Date  : Q1 2022  [?]
Tender Type : Future Procurement Opportunity (FPO)
Project Status : Awaiting approval  [?]
Indicative Total Value : $10M - $25M  [?]
Tender Coverage : Syndicated Opportunity  [?]
Categories :
  • 43000000 - Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications
  • New Zealand
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Deborah Braithwaite

Emergency Communication Centres Transformation will ensure Police’s emergency call taking (and from other emergency service request channels) and dispatch system is fit-for-purpose, reliable (even in crisis situations), and supported in the longer term. In particular, communication centres will be virtualised enabling this function to be delivered from any location, improving the management of our call queues. By delinking call centres from infrastructure and physical locations, overflow calls could go to alternative locations such as stations and not just the 111 centre. Communication centre staff could work from non-metro locations and/or home, increasing flexibility for staff and lowering property costs in metro centres.

This is a Future Procurement Opportunity (FPO) listing in line with MBIE's recent direction to list FPOs on here rather than in the usual APP format on their site. Any future RFx documentation will be posted on GETS linked to this FPO if and when appropriate. There is no additional information available at this time.