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Shallow Water Rebreather Request for Information


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 22478497
Tender Name : Shallow Water Rebreather Request for Information
Reference # :
Open Date : Wednesday, 25 March 2020 9:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00)
Close Date  : Friday, 22 May 2020 4:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Request for Information (Market research) (RFI)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 46000000 - Defense and Law Enforcement and Security and Safety Equipment and Supplies
  • 49141500 - Scuba and snorkeling gear
  • 92000000 - National Defense and Public Order and Security and Safety Services
  • Auckland
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Kylie Wilde
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  :
Alternate Physical Fax Number  :

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) and the Ministry of Defence are seeking information on potential solution options to increase the Littoral Warfare capability in order to ensure our ability to effectively and credibly respond to underwater threats.

The project is seeking capability and pricing information for:
a. Acquisition of 24 complete Shallow Water Rebreather (SWR) systems, options for up to six (6) additional sets at the time of purchase.
b. associated equipment required to achieve modular deployability and sustainability of the SWR including, but not limited to, recommended consumables and spares packages;
c. operation and maintenance training packages such that future training can be conducted by the RNZN; and
d. In service support and maintenance (and certification) for the SWR systems.
Responses to this RFI must be received by 4.00p.m. (NZ Standard Time (NZST)) on 22 May 2020.

If any Respondent requires further information or clarification of this RFI, they may contact Kylie Wilde (Project Manager, Ministry of Defence) by letter, or email:
Kylie Wilde
PO Box 12703
Molesworth Street
New Zealand

Written enquiries will be responded to in writing where the Crown receives the enquiry prior to 4.00pm (NZST) on 6 May 2020. Email enquiries will be responded to via email and may be made directly to Kylie Wilde up until 4.00pm (NZST) on 15 May 2020. Any enquiries received after this time may not receive a response.