Tender Closed
RFx ID : | 27702558 |
Tender Name : | RFP - Design & Build - 107 Nile Street Nelson |
Reference # : | |
Open Date : | Wednesday, 12 July 2023 4:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00) |
Close Date : | Thursday, 10 August 2023 12:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00) |
Tender Type : | Request for Proposals (RFP) |
Tender Coverage : | Sole Agency [?] |
Categories : |
Regions: | N/A |
Exemption Reason : | None |
Required Pre-qualifications : | None |
Contact : |
Rophina Verghese 021 883 942 |
Alternate Physical Delivery Address : | |
Alternate Physical Fax Number : | |
Agency Address : | NEW ZEALAND |
The Principal issued an open Panel (Refresh) RFP inviting Developers to become Panel Members on National Offsite Manufacturing panel.
Project and Contract Works
The development, including the design and construction of 16 units at:
Address Legal Description
107 Nile Street, Nelson Lot 1 DP 16015
The Contract Works, as described fully in Appendix B, require delivery of:
Number of Dwellings Description of Dwelling Type
10 units 2 level Duplex, 3 bedroom units
6 units 2 level, terrace 2 bedroom units
No Winner
We closed Nile out at the end of last year and did not award the contract. The provision was that we would retender it this year on better documentation. This has been done - GETS reference 28947360.
You can close it out with a 'not awarded' notification.