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Managed Cyber Security Service


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 30816737
Tender Name : Managed Cyber Security Service
Reference # :
Open Date : Q4 2024
Indicative RFx Release Date  : Q1 2025  [?]
Tender Type : Future Procurement Opportunity (FPO)
Project Status : Initial development  [?]
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 43000000 - Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications
  • New Zealand
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : David Archer

TVNZ expects to approach the market shortly for Managed Cyber Security Service providers to provide a comprehensive Security Operations Centre (SOC) service. This service will include solutions for Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Cloud access security broker (CASB), and Security information and event management (SIEM).

This is an opportunity for providers that can demonstrate proven capabilities in effectively identifying, triaging, managing and mitigating security incidents and events through a 24/7/365 operational capacity. This opportunity also involves the implementation of the required EDR, CASB an SIEM solutions across TVNZ's network and endpoints. The managed SOC service is an important part of TVNZ’s ongoing programme of risk reduction. We also expect that the SOC service will reduce the cost of maintaining internal capability across these areas.

TVNZ expects to issue a Registrations of Interest (ROI)/Expressions of Interest (EOI) on GETS from mid-January 2025.

Please note: 1) Contact with TVNZ on this opportunity should wait until the ROI has been issued. 2) This notice is to provide advance information only – no response is required to this notice. 3) There are no files attached to this notice. Files will be attached to the tender when we engage the open market. 4) This notice is to alert suppliers of a potential upcoming procurement activity. It does not represent commitment by TVNZ to procure.